Wednesday, March 16, 2011

GAMA Day 2: Heroclix

I spent the whole day in the Wizkids booth today, and no complaints. I spent 5 hours talking about Heroclix. A lot of it was describing orders vs shortages and their fixes to people, or giving suggestions about how to grow their organized play environments, but hey, one of my favorite topics. There's very little else I could talk about for 5 hours... maybe movies and naked ladies, but I think that's it.

So... spoilers for late 2011/early 2012. I know, I know, keep it in your pants, fellas. I wasn't allowed to take photos, because some of the stuff is still in concept, and they can't use images of anything licensed until its approved by the owner. That said, some things may change before release, take them with a grain of salt. Still, exciting news...

- Green Lantern is confirmed for a May 15th release. $15.99 MSRP, it has 6 figs from the GL movie, with costumes based on that design. This is the first of the new Fast Forces packs. Similar to a starter, but without rule book and tokens and things, so the price point is lower, a bit more accessible for new players. Includes a 2-Sided Map, and dice. (They will at least be green. They want to put the lantern symbol on them, but cost and time may prohibit this) Figures make two 300 point forces, or one up to 600.

- There is also a Thor Fast Forces pack to coincide with that movie. Its been solicited to stores, but no info was released at the show so far as contents.

- Captain America: 2 releases. First, the Gravity Feed. June 15th release day, 1 fig, $2.99. These will have sculpts from the main Cap set, but new dials. On June 29th, the main Cap set releases. Currently 63 figs in set, including ones with removable components. Figs shown included Cap on a peanut base, with his shield being tossed/bounced off a wall, held in clear plastic to represent the impact. Shield is removable, and other figs can pick up/use it. Weapon X is in his tube; he has a counter system so that after a few turns, if he's not defeated, he breaks out and goes berserker on enemy figures. Human Torch has a Charge mechanic for a Nova Blast, he has a removable flame bubble-thing that goes around his figure when he's charged. There will be 6 or 7 figs like this in the set. Also, a huge, SR MODOK was revealed. He absolutely dwarfs the old Modok, big, highly detailed.

- Street Fighter is tentatively scheduled for August, but that could well change, depending on Capcom's wishes. There are 33 figs in the set, representing 24 characters. The others will be repaints in their SFII Turbo colors, with unique dials. These are sold in 1 fig boosters, 24 to a box. HOWEVER, the set is collated so that if you by 12 of them, they are wrapped like a brick. In each brick, there are NO dupes. If you buy both bricks, the dupes should be kept to a minimum. All but 1 fig has a clear plastic element (IE, Ryu is charging his Hadoken, Guile looks awesome on his Flash Kick, in mid-air). While these are Clix compatible, there are also unique rules for 1v1 fighting-game-like gameplay.

- Lord of the Rings will be released in a couple different formats. It will be compatible with Heroclix, but like Street Fighter, it will also have its own unique, Epic Rules to run a rings-like, simulation skirmish. There is a deluxe set, similar to Watchmen, called the Campaign Box. It will have a similar price point. For those who want the figs but can't do it all at once, there will be a starter and some single-fig packs as well. Should be out this year.

- Superman is set for Fall of 2011. Currently set at 54 figs. This set is going to try something a little different with the Brick fig, randomly packing it into one of the packs in the brick itself, so retailers dont have to worry about storing the damn things. Busted bricks on the shelves might happen to treat a buyer with an extra random brick figure inside. Supposedly it will contain the 'definitive' Superman, or a close approximation; they want to offer fans a big, accessible Superman like they've been clamoring for. Also shown were designs for Superboy (Reign of the Supermen), Black Adam (designed by the last champ), Cyborg Supes and Darkseid. Those last 3 looked unbelievably cool.

- Halo clix will now be compatible with Heroclix. Summer release, 40 figs, Boosters and single fig packs. Also have their own unique, optional rules. No plans for vehicles... yet.

- Gears of War 3. 10 Figs, single fig packs. Release date TBD by the release of the game, which has to street first.

- Okay, so big news for 2012. First off, those 3 Marvel releases that were teased on HCRealms yesterday. Those are Hulk, Infinity Gauntlet, and The Mighty Avengers. They will be out... all in the first half of 2012? They are smaller sets (think 30-45 figs?) for easier collectability. Also, close together so that if there is a crazy rush, like on GSX, or even just with a sell-out like DC 75th, there is something else right around the corner for players to anticipate. Each set will have its own OP kit, but the events in them will kind of have a thematic link between them, leading up to a big event at the end. Think Coming of Galactus big. This will be made in a way to encourage players to stick around through all the events, rather than just sniping one LE and retiring.

- So, what about DC? Well, plans are slower for them because Justin and DC are in talks about doing some new stuff. First off, they'd like to do a big set like GSX with Super Boosters for DC. The only big thing they have access to right now is the Batmobile, which is still out there, and waiting for the right time to release. It'll be up to their collaborative brainstorming to determine what's going on there. There is also a new possible type of release that... well, I don't really know the details to it, and I think Justin is really pumped about it and will want to announce it himself. But I will say that it reminds me of reminds me of another use for the abbreviation DC. Direct. Current.

Also addressed were the Zero to Hero programs, the new store-finder and OP programs online, investigation into venues selling OP kits and other vendor-related issues. If any stores would like summaries of that info, let me know.

Also asked about: Horrorclix. No plans right now. Won't rule it out forever, but its a brand that was only successful in pockets, and needs serious reevaluation.

Pirates: Brand is not dead, but the polystyrene format is. It has become too cost-prohibitive to produce that style of game now.

No current Indyclix plans.

Aaaand that's all the pertinent WK info for now. *whew* busy weekend.

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